Tischlein deck dich
A clever combination of food rescue and food aid
The organization “Tischlein Deck Dich” collects, packages and distributes food to those in need. It was founded in 1999 by a member of my food conglomerate in order to sensitize my staff to the destruction of food and the many needy in Switzerland. I was a passionate president and am still an active honorary president today. A professional management team now distributes goods worth over 50 million Swiss francs annually, which corresponds to more than 22 million meals. 3,000 volunteers are deployed at 132 distribution points across Switzerland.
Our way of giving away the fortune
Since my wife and I are childless, foundations are an ideal way to use our assets for long-term philanthropic goals. Our foundations are designed to balance means and ends. This requires appropriate organizational and business models, which in our case are primarily based on real estate.
Institutions we support:
Wohnbaugenossenschaft Zuhause am Bielersee, Twann
Genossenschaft Weisser Wind, Freienwil
Martin Stiftung, Erlenbach
Anna-Göldi-Stiftung, Glarus
Bergschule Avrona, Tarasp